Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 3 - Feeling much better... :)

So I forgot to post yesterdays Day 2...That is because it was a tough day...both Noelle and I had a rough one, we got through it and now onto Day 3.

Feeling much better, now I think I can easily make it my 7 Day goal. Wish Noelle luck, she has her Salt water flush today...not fun!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 1 - Oh Fun!

So Noelle and I are beginning our quest to complete the Master Cleanse. We are both hoping to make it at least 7 days...I know the cleanse is for 10 but we are starting with 7 and then my hope is that we complete the quest to 10 days. I'll keep you guys posted, who ever "you guys" is. :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Save the Date - February 7th, 2011

So I finished 5 days of the Master Cleanse before I scummed to the football gods, well my desire to eat during football games was more than my Master Cleanse spirit could sustain. So now I have set a new target date to start my Cleanse again...February 7th, yes the day after Super Bowl!!!!

I will be posting more information about the Master Cleanse Detox and some of the benefits along with some of the concerns that people might have. So stay tune and join the 10 day Master Cleanse....Support is on it's way!